
ServSafe Certification in Georgia

Food Managers:

What are the state regulations?
Each food service establishment must have an owner or at least one manager on staff, designated for that one establishment only, who has successfully completed a food safety certification training program approved by the Department and passed a nationally accredited exam.

Is certification mandatory?

What are the approved certification exams?
ServSafe, Prometric, NRFSP and 360 Training

What are some acceptable training programs?
Acceptable training programs may include, but not be limited to, classroom, CD-ROM, internet based, or other suitable method of training delivery

How often must I renew my certificate?
Managers must renew the food safety certification in accordance with the requirements of the examination taken. In most cases, every five years.

Which establishments are exempt from the Food Safety Certification requirement?

  • A mobile food service unit that does not process foods
  • Food service establishments that serve non-potentially hazardous foods which require limited preparation, or those potentially hazardous foods which have been previously prepared in a permitted food service establishment

Do I need to keep a copy of the manager’s food safety certification at the food establishment?
Yes, the original Certified Food Safety Manager certificate must be posted in public view in each food service establishment. An additional copy shall be retained on file at the food service establishment at all times, and shall be made available for inspection by the Health Authority.

Does the Certified Food Safety Manager need to be present at the food facility at all times?
The Certified Food Safety Manager does not need to be present during all hours of operation. However, the holder of the food safety certification must designate someone else to be the person in charge when they are not on the premises.

Do I need to have a Certified Food Safety Manager employed before I open my business?
A food service establishment will have 90 days from the date of initial permit issuance, change of ownership permit issuance, or termination of its certified food safety manager (CFSM) to employ a new manager who has completed the food safety certification program.

What are the Certified Food Safety Manager’s (CSFM) Responsibilities?

  • Be the person in charge when they are on the premises of the food service establishment and shall designate someone else to be the person in charge when they are not on the premises.
  • Supervise and instruct food service employees in the techniques of sanitary food handling and proper maintenance of the facility.
  • Offer a training program for their employees to satisfy employee proficiency in their job responsibility for food safety
  • Communicate with representatives of the Health Authority about the effectiveness of employee training programs
  • Assess training needs of the food service employees and request formal training as needed.

Food Handlers:

Is food handler certification required?
It is not required, but it is recommended that food handlers receive food safety training.

Who else is recommended to obtain food handler training?
Food safety training is now recommended for all employees who are hired to take orders and serve food to patrons.