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According to the FDA’s food defense program guidelines what are some risky practices when considering the deliberate contamination of food?

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According to the FDA’s food defense program guidelines, which of these are risky practices for deliberate contamination of food?

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The FDA encourages managers to develop a food defense program. What is a food defense program?

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What tool did the FDA create to help you identify the points where food is at risk for deliberate contamination in your operation?

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What should a food defense program focus on?

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Unauthorized people inside your operation are a risk to food safety. When is this especially true?

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Which is true about an attack of deliberate contamination of food?

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Which is a possible threat to your operations drinkable water supply?

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The letter T in the ALERT acronym stands for Threat. In a food defense program, how should the manager be prepared for a threat or suspicious activity?

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In what situation could an attack of deliberate contamination of food occur?

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What should the three points of focus be when developing a food defense program?

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Deliberate contamination of food is usually focused on targets like these:

• A specific business
• A certain industry
• A processing method
• A specific kind of food

What else is true about deliberate contamination of food?

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The letter A in ALERT stands for assure. What things should a manager ensure regarding the deliberate contamination of food?

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What areas of the operation should have restricted access for unauthorized people?

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The letter L in ALERT stands for look. What should a manager look at when considering the deliberate contamination of food?

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Which government agency created the acronym ALERT as a tool for operations to use when developing a food defense program?

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Which is true about a disgruntled employee?

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The letter E in ALERT stands for employees. What should a manager consider about the employees in the operation regarding the deliberate contamination of food?

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The letter R in the ALERT acronym stands for Report. What kind of reports should you maintain for your food defense program?

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The FDA suggests storing chemicals securely and restricting access to food prep and storage areas. How can you do this?

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Food could be contaminated on purpose by an attacker using any of these contaminants:

• Radioactive
• Chemical
• Physical
• Biological

How can a food defense program prevent the deliberate contamination of food?