Biological Contamination

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Biological Contamination

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Which statement is true about mold?

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Which pathogen needs a host to live and grow?

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Which is an example of fungi?

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Biological contamination is more common than chemical or physical contamination. What are some examples of biological contaminants?

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What is fungi?

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Which of these statements are true about mold?

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Why is purchasing plants, mushrooms, and seafood from approved, reputable suppliers critical to preventing illness from biological toxins?

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What is a critical way to prevent foodborne illness from biological toxins?

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How can illness from Biological Toxins be prevented?

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What is the greatest threat to food safety?

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These living microorganisms cause biological contamination when they get into food and can make people sick.

• Viruses
• Parasites
• Fungi
• Bacteria

What specific kind of biological contaminants are they?

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Which statements are true about yeast?

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When can shellfish become contaminated with biological toxins?

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Which can be considered a pathogen?

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What kind of biological contaminant can come from one of these foods?

• Plants
• Mushrooms
• Seafood

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What form of biological contamination causes the most foodborne illnesses?

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What kind of biological contaminant is a natural poison produced by some plants, mushrooms, and seafood?

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Which statements are true about the parasite cyclosporiasis?

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Which seafood toxin can fish become contaminated with by eating smaller fish that have eaten the toxin?

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Which statement is true about parasites?