FAT TOM Conditions

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FAT TOM Conditions

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What does ideal mean?

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Bacteria need moisture to grow. The amount of moisture available in food for bacteria growth is called water activity (aw). Which of these examples of water activity (aw) levels are true?

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The F in FAT TOM stands for Food. What kind of food does bacteria need to live and grow?

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The letters in FAT TOM represent the conditions that bacteria need to grow. They stand for Food, Acidity, Temperature, Time, Oxygen, and Moisture. Which of these conditions can you control?

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Bacteria need moisture to grow. The amount of moisture available in food for bacteria growth is called water activity (aw). What are some examples of the water activity (aw)?

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In what kind of food can bacteria grow to unsafe levels if allowed enough time?

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Which foods have a level of acidity that is ideal for the growth of bacteria?

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Which statement about Water Activity (aw) is false?

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FAT TOM is an acronym that represents the conditions that bacteria need in order to grow. What do the letters in FAT TOM represent?

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Which statement is true about the growth of bacteria?

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What are some examples of the kind of conditions in that bacteria do NOT grow well in?

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Which of these conditions are present in Potentially Hazardous Food (PHF) that make it ideal for the growth of bacteria?

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What are some examples of foods with a pH that is ideal for bacterial growth?

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What level of acidity does bacteria grow in?

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What type of food do pathogens grow well in?

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At what temperatures do bacteria grow?