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In a food safety management system like HACCP, what should your record keeping be able to prove to an inspector?

2 / 18

Keep records for what actions?

3 / 18

In a HACCP system, once the hazards have been identified at each point along its flow through the operation, how can they be prevented from causing harm?

4 / 18

What food safety management system is based on identifying the risks for a food product at each point along its flow through an operation?

5 / 18

When could your regulatory authority require you to submit a HACCP plan?

6 / 18

Why is every HACCP plan different?

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How is a Hazard Analysis conducted?

8 / 18

Which procedures required a haccp plan?

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What does a HACCP system need to be based on to be effective?

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What are some examples of Principle 6 verifying that the system works?

11 / 18

Which of these are food processing methods that require a haccp plan?

12 / 18

If a HACCP plan works for one operation, why can’t the same plan work for all operations?

13 / 18

According to Principle 4 in the HACCP system, how do you “Establish Monitoring Procedures”?

14 / 18

You can achieve Active Managerial Control (AMC) in your operation with simple programs like manager supervision, standard operating procedures, and training programs. What is another food safety management system that also achieves AMC?

15 / 18

What is a critical control point (CCP) in the HACCP system?

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Which statements are true about Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)?

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What three groups do the principles break into?

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Regarding Principle 3 in a HACCP program, which is true about Establishing Critical Limits?