Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ), According to ServSafe

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Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ), According to ServSafe

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Which statement is true about how the growth of bacteria is affected temperature?

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TCS stands for Time and Temperature Control for Safety. What does this mean for TCS food?

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How do we use temperature control to prevent the growth of pathogens?

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Fish do NOT produce Histamine, but these fish could be contaminated with pathogens that do:

• Tuna
• Bonito
• Mackerel
• Mahi Mahi

If a fish is contaminated with pathogens that produce Histamine, when will they produce it?

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Pathogens can grow in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ). What range of temperatures do most pathogens grow the fastest?

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Pathogens grow between 41°F and 135°F. But they grow fastest between 70°F and 125°F. When cooling food in two stages, which stage has the most potential for pathogen growth?

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What range of temperatures is known as the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ), where pathogens can grow rapidly?

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Why is it unsafe to thaw frozen food at room temperature?

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What happens when TCS food remains between 41°F and 135°F for too long?

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We usually control temperatures to limit the growth of pathogens when holding or storing TCS food. But how can time be controlled to limit their growth?

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What should you provide for food handlers so they can track how long food is in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ)?

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What happens if food spends too much time in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ)?

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Which is an example of a food that has been time-temperature abused?

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How can your operation meet the FDA’s recommendation to have time and temperature parameters for controlling pathogens?

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Which statement is true about TCS food?

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How much food should be taken from the cooler for preparation at one time?

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What should be done as soon as possible once food has been cooked?

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Is it safe to use hot-holding equipment to reheat food?

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Why should you make procedures for food preparation that limit the amount of food removed from a cooler at once?

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Why is the range of temperatures between 41°F and 135°F called the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ)?

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What will happen if any part of frozen food is exposed to the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ) while it’s being thawed?

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Why must TCS food be cooled to 41°F or lower within six hours of cooking?

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How can time-temperature abuse be avoided?

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How can the time food spends in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ) be controlled?

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At what temperatures do bacteria grow?

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Which statements are true about TCS food?

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What does immediate service mean?

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Why is it important to limit the amount of food taken from the cooler at once?

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Why should a large amount of hot food never be cooled in a cooler?

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Why is it unsafe to thaw food at room temperature?

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To control its time in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ), what should be done with food as soon as it has been prepped?

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Food must be reheated correctly before being placed in a hot-holding unit. Hot-holding equipment should NOT be used to reheat food unless it was designed for this purpose. Why?

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How long can food remain in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ) before it must be thrown out?

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When the temperature of hot food falls into the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ), sometimes it can be restored to a safe condition by reheating it. This is called “reconditioning.” But when the food has been at an unsafe temperature for too long, reconditioning will NOT work. How much time can food spend in the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ) and still be reconditioned?

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When food is NOT hot-held or served immediately after cooking, it must be removed from the Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ) as quickly as possible. How can this be done?

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How can time and temperature be controlled?

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Which is an example of time-temperature abuse?

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What must be reduced to keep food safe?